Dual Nationality – Spanish Citizenship
To get Spanish citizenship you must swear faithfulness to the King and swear to comply with the Spanish Constitution and laws. Information about the different ways of becoming a Spanish subject, how to apply for Spanish nationality, and issues with respect to double nationality are stated below.
Do you want to be a Spanish subject with a Spanish international ID and an entrancing nation to call your perpetual home? You might be qualified for Spanish citizenship in light of your family ties, nationality, or lawful home in Spain:
1) Residence as a Means to Spanish Citizenship
o You have legally been a Spanish resident for at least 10 years.
o You are a citizen of a Latin American nation, Andorra, Portugal, the Philippines, or Equatorial Guinea, and you have legally been a Spanish resident for no less than two years.
o You have acquired the status of outcast in Spain and have been a legal resident for at least five years.
o You can prove one of the following conditions: you were conceived in a Spanish region, you have been married to a Spanish subject for at least one year, you were conceived abroad to Spanish parents and/or grandparents, you haven’t accepted the Spanish nationality when given the chance beforehand, you are a dowager or a widower of a Spanish resident understanding that you were together upon your life partner’s passing, or you were a ward of the Spanish state for no less than two sequential years. Furthermore, you have legally been a Spanish resident for no less than one year.
2) Opting to Become a Spanish Citizen
o Your parental guardian is a Spanish citizen.
o One or both of your parents was or were Spanish and conceived in Spain.
o You are a grandchild of a Spanish native who lost or was forced to deny their Spanish citizenship as a consequence of outcasting.
o You are of Sephardic heritage and can prove it.
o After the age of 18 you were adopted by Spanish guardians. (Should you wish to become a Spanish subject, you have up to two years from the date of adoption to do so)
o If after the age of 18 and you discover that at least one of your parents was a Spanish citizen or you were conceived in Spain. (If you wish to become a Spanish citizen, you have up to two years from the date that it is officially recognized to do so.)
How to apply for Spanish Citizenship
You can apply for Spanish citizenship at the Spanish Civil Registry (Registro Civil) nearest to your home. If you live abroad, you can apply at your closest Spanish embassy.
You should hand in your papers enclosed with the following documentos:
A filled-out application form.
o Your travel permit.
o The Empadronamiento (if you live in Spain).
o Foreigners Identification Card, EU-Family Member Residence Card, or Foreigners Certificate from the Central Registry (if you live in Spain).
o Your birth certificate, translated into Spanish (assuming it is not already) and legitimized.
o The birth certificate of any underage children (only it you have any), translated into Spanish and legitimized.
o A Certificate of Criminal Record (Certificado de Antecedentes Penales) from the competent authorities of your birth place translated into Spanish and legitimized.
o Proof of the necessary monetary assets needed to live in Spain.
As indicated by your particular circumstances you will likewise need to give in these documents:
o Born in Spanish region: Your birth certificate given by the Spanish Civil Registry.
o Born to Spanish guardians: Your birth certificate, this must show that your mother and/or father was Spanish.
o Spanish relative: Your mothers and/or fathers Spanish birth certificate and either of your Spanish grandparents birth certificate.
o Sephardic root: A testament from an Israelite association based in Spain that certifies your Jewish-Sephardic roots; a proof of your Sephardic social ties by using the dialect, last names, or any other legal proof; and a defense with respect to your coveted incorporation in the registry of Spanish Sephardic families.
o Married to a Spanish national: Your marriage certificate issued by the Spanish Civil Registry and additionally a joint empadronamiento authentication or dwelling together endorsement.
o Widow or widower of a Spaniard: Your partners birth certificate issued by the Spanish Civil Registry; your upgraded marriage authentication issued by the Spanish Civil Registry; your partners death certificate; and a joint empadronamiento testament or dwelling together authentication to prove that you lived together when your partner passed away.
o Refugee: A certificate confirming your outcast status issued by the Ministry of the Interior’s Asylum and Refugee Office.
Keeping in mind that the end goal is to achieve Spanish citizenship you will likewise need to swear unwaveringness to the King and swear to comply with the Spanish Constitution and laws. Unless you are allowed to keep the nationality you had before turning into a Spanish native as a double nationality (talked about beneath), you will likewise need to pronounce that you have repudiated your previous citizenship.
Where possible, you ought to use the travel permit of the country you’re entering.
In turning into a Spanish native, you may be able to ask for double nationality or you may have to discard your current citizenship. Residents of Latin American nations, Andorra, Portugal, the Philippines, or Equatorial Guinea are not required to repudiate their citizenship, and their double nationality is legally accepted.
In different cases things can turn in an unexpected way. For instance, UK natives, while turning into a Spanish citizen, are required to deny their past citizenship, yet this is not allowed according to the British law. This implies that you would then have two nationalities (yet not double nationality) as Spain will not accept the British nationality.
US citizens, should they not want to give up their US citizenship, may repudiate their US citizenship to the Spanish government as this is required to gain the Spanish citizenship, yet at the same time hold on to their US citizenship. Obviously, Spain would not accept the US nationality.
On account of subjects of different nations, it is possible you may lose your previous citizenship after getting the Spanish one.
When in doubt, in the event that you are not a subject of a Latin American nation, Andorra, Portugal, the Philippines, or Equatorial Guinea and you wish to hold your previous citizenship and in addition secure a Spanish citizenship, you ought to see a law expert for the most recent arrangements with respect to Spain and your nation of previous citizenship.
Where possible, you should use the visa of the nation you’re entering. For example, should you have US and Spanish citizenship, use your Spanish identification when landing in Spain and your US travel permit when landing in the US.
Paul Christian de Quant Minguet
February 4, 2021 @ 1:14 pm
Saludos. Quisiera que me aclarará una duda sobre la doble ciudadanía. Yo nací en Canada y he obtenido mi ciudadanía española hace más de 15 años, por lo cual tengo el DNI y y puedo solicitar mi partido de nacimiento español en el Registro Civil y/o solicitar mi Birth Certificate canadiense .
Mi pregunta es la siguiente: ¿tengo derecho a la doble nacionalidad española/canadiense?
Javier Rodríguez
February 10, 2021 @ 4:55 pm
Hola. La pregunta parece más relacionada con Canadá que con España, si he entendido bien. Deberías preguntar en Canadá si eso es posible, pues al parecer, la nacionalidad española ya la tienes.
Jany Heredia Zaugg
January 10, 2021 @ 11:21 pm
Hola Javier,
I’d like to know what is the difference between having a Spanish Passport and Spanish Citizenship?
I mean, what are the advantages between one and the other.
I am a US Citizen, born in Brazil with Spanish Andalusian grandparents. I am married to a German Citizen and we both have NIE for we have a property in Andalusia.
Which status would I benefit from the most in your opinion?
I appreciate your feedback.
Jany Heredia
Javier Rodríguez
January 11, 2021 @ 5:20 pm
Hello Jany,
You can have all the nationalities allowed by the law of one of the countries in which you are nationalised at. That is, depending on the country you may have one, two or more nationalities. Some countries do not set limits on their citizens when it comes to holding nationalities. In others, however, to achieve a nationality it is necessary to renounce one’s own. This also depends on the double citizenship agreements.
But legally speaking, there is no difference between passport and citizenship, since you get the passport once you have got the citizenship (at least in a majority of countries).
I hope it helps,
Javier Rodríguez
Kate Vredevoogd
October 26, 2020 @ 10:52 am
Hello Javier,
I am a US citizen with a Spanish NIE. I’ve lived in Spain legally with my pareja de hecho, who is a Spanish citizen, for over a year. I am fluent in Spanish and am confident I could pass any language evaluation. If I repudiate my US citizenship in front of a Spanish judge, is there any possibility that I could effectively lose it? Is there any possible situation in which I could become a Spanish citizen (I would like the take the sworn translator exam and it requires citizenship) while maintaining my US citizenship? Thanks so much!
Javier Rodríguez
October 28, 2020 @ 7:05 pm
Hello Kate,
Actually you will need to pass 2 different evaluations: one is for the Spanish language and the other one is a Constitutional and Sociocultural test.
About maintaining your US citizenship, regardless of my answer, I must clarify it always depends on your current country of nationality, first and, secondly, even if it doesn’t look that way, one thing is the citizenship and another thing is the passport. In other words: you may maintain your US passport when applying for the Spanish one. The citizenship is something “different, inmaterial, abstract, undetermined”, let’s say.
I hope it helps.
Rebecca Hiles
January 6, 2021 @ 1:33 pm
Hola Javier,
Soy británica residente en Berlín de madre española. Sería posible solicitar la nacionalidad española sin tener que renunciar a la británica? Eso sería la nacionalidad dual, no? Muchas gracias y qué bien que exista esta plataforma!
Un saludo
Javier Rodríguez
January 7, 2021 @ 4:21 pm
Hola Rebecca,
En realidad no hay un acuerdo de doble nacionalidad entre el Reino Unido y España, así que dependiendo del país de origen, podrías tener (o no) doble pasaporte. De hecho, seguro que conoces a algún compatriota tuyo con pasaporte británico e irlandés al mismo tiempo, cierto?
Cosa diferente es la legalidad de esas circunstancias y el uso que se les dé…
Por cierto, esto no es una plataforma sino una agencia de traducción y asesoría para expatriados situada en Fuengirola, Málaga, a la que siempre eres bienvenida 🙂
Un saludo,
Javier R.
gloria bint
September 7, 2018 @ 3:36 pm
Hola Javier, yo vivo en inglaterra oxfordshire, casada con ingles y con dos hijos nacidos en inglaterra. My hijo mayor estuvo trabajando los dos anos pasados en Espana (baleares), me gustaria saber, asi como yo tengo la Nacionalidad Espanola, mis hijos podrian tener pasaporte espanol sin perder el pasaporte ingles ?, cual seria la gestion mas directa, el Consulado Espanol en londres o la Embajada de Espana en londres, a donde hay que dirigirse. Muchas gracias de antemano.
Javier Rodríguez
September 11, 2018 @ 7:54 pm
Hola Gloria,
Puesto que no hay convenio de doble nacionalidad entre España y Reino Unido, tus hijos tenían 3 años para solicitar la nacionalidad española después de obtener la nacionalidad británica. Lo que sí pueden es tener sendos pasaportes (británicos y españoles).
Un saludo,
jayne collins
March 16, 2018 @ 10:47 am
Hi Javier I owned property, lived and wirked in Spain (balearics) for 15 years, but only obtained my residencia after my 2 children were born in 2011.
Although I did have empadron.
In 2014 I handed our green cards in and returned to the uk, then sold my house.we now wish to return to Spain and buy a property, could I have your contact information as I could do with some expert advice.
Javier Rodríguez
March 20, 2018 @ 1:59 pm
Hello Jayne,
Sure, you have our contact details all around the website. You can directly send me an email to [email protected]
Thank you.
March 3, 2017 @ 12:06 pm
Dear recipient : I m from Iran and living currently in china about 10 years also my wife is Chinese . i would like to ask you that i can apply for Spanish residency for my own and my family by buying property in Spain ? In some website i read that can be, by investing at least 500,000 euro and taking some times like 5 years , but most of these websites are real state and not sure can be trusted or no . finally i found this website and i think you are the best person can help me out. Also because of my nationality and my wife nationality and some limitation and political matters about these 2 countries ( china &Iran) please help me to know that i can apply or no. Best Regards
Expat Agency
March 12, 2017 @ 8:38 pm
Hello Farmani,
Indeed you can get a Golden Visa if you purchase a house over €500.000EUR. We have relocated some families from Iran thoughout another kind of VISA (like the non lucrative one). So it depends on the case. Feel free to contact us by email to know further.
Thank you for your comment and best regards!
Louis van Zyl
October 14, 2016 @ 8:32 pm
Dear recipient. Is there any concession for English speaking applicants over the age of 75 regarding the Spanish language test when applying for Spanish nationality, such as seems to be the case in the UK?
Francisco Valencia - Expat Agency
October 15, 2016 @ 2:03 pm
Dear Louis,
Unfortunately there is not any concession for English speaking applicants over the age of 75 regarding the Spanish language test when applying for Spanish nationality. The only people who don’t have to pass this test are underage and disable people (legal incapacitation).
However, taking into account you are thinking of the dual nationality due to Brexit effects, we are awaiting new concessions for British expatriates living abroad to make Brexit as soft as possible for them.
So we shall wait for news.
Best Regards,
Francisco Valencia
Expat A. Legal Department