On the off chance that you wish or need to settle in Spain either long or short term then you need to have drive, determination and persistence. The hot climate might be a noteworthy appreciation for you – don’t move for this sole reason. The sun is decent for some time however in the event that you have to work in it to survive, it’s not so appealing.
Spain stands out amongst the most well known places for individuals from Northern Europe to consider moving to.
The fascination of Spain’s climate and atmosphere, it’s apparent minimal effort of living, the closeness of Spain and the measure of existing exiles serve make this seem a simple choice to make.
you can sell before you leave.
When dealing with any part of Spanish bureaucracy, remember The Law of Falta Uno: that no
matter how many documents and photocopies you take along there will always be one missing.
If you can afford to buy a house outright you are probably laughing, because although costs
have gone up a lot, that doesn’t apply so much to the costs of running a property which are still
relatively low.
Purchase boxes, labels and bubble wrap. When you pack boxes, list the contents on a label.
Note that if you don’t speak fluent Spanish you may struggle.
Notify authorities, banks, building societies etc of your new contact details.
Many people do come and go – don’t assume you won’t be one of them – rent first so you don’t
end up being stuck in Spain against your will as property can take years to sell.
Before leaving for Spain, make sure you understand what visa requirements (IF NEEDED), if
any, you’re subject to. Depending on your nationality you might need a visa, a residence permit
and/or work permit.
Remember to check the schooling arrangements for the children.
Make arrangements for your pets travel and arrival.
Check out our post with other useful advices to live in Spain
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